Arsip untuk Oktober, 2011

When we have a problem

Posted: 21 Oktober 2011 in Uncategorized

There is always a time when we have to meet a problem. It is because life has a lot of problems. Who doesn’t have any? None, I’m sure. A homeless person faces cold night and hot days. A rich person may have a problem how to maintain his richness. A teacher faces different students with different mood everyday. A student surely will face new knowledge, homework, discussion, presentation and possibly have a personal problem with their friends. Huh…. that’s life! What should we do then?
Well, we cannot deny problems, but we must learn how to solve them. In order to be able to cope with problems, we need to have at least the followings: attitude of accepting, patience, and wisdom. Accepting the problem means that we cannot avoid what we have faced. It will be late to refuse the problem, for problems come unpredictably. Then patience will come after we can accept the problem. Patience is one of characteristics most prophets had. God ordered them to be always patient when facing problems or pressure. Patience can generate good thinking and solutions. Then wisdom leads us to find the best respond and actions to the problems.
Of course, that is not easy. TO be accepting, patient, and wise takes some time to learn. Maybe you have different strategy and ways to solve your problems. So, problems are many before us.

tugas kelas 9A 8 oktober 2011

Posted: 7 Oktober 2011 in Uncategorized

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